Dr. Alexei Monroe

Recent and Current Research
Although my work has always been inter-disciplinary, I define myself as a cultural theorist/historian. My principal interest has been industrial and electronic music and culture, especially in ex-Yugoslavia and Britain. Other themes have included totalitarianism and art and transgressive art. I have a long-standing research interest in the Stag as a cross-cultural symbol which I am exploring further in an Irish context. Besides these interests, in recent years I have also given lectures on the German group Kraftwerk and dystopia, sound and science fiction in the work of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop. Following my involvement as organiser and artist in the 2nd NSK State Folk Art Biennale at Burren College of Art, I now plan to carry out further research on Irish culture and history, especially the period of the Civil War and the ways in which it is present and absent in culture.Selected bibliography
Autopsia Thanatopolis (Divus/Umelec, 2016)
Laibach und NSK Die Inquisitionsmaschine im Kreuzverhör (Ventil Verlag, 2014)
Interrogation Machine Laibach and NSK (MIT Press, 2005)
(As Co-Editor) Test Dept., Total State Machine (PC Press, 2015)
(As Editor) State of Emergence (Ploettner Verlag, 2011)