
Continuum: Part 2

New work by Yevhen Svitlychnyi

July 22 – August 2

The Gallery | Burren College of Art


Ballyvaughan Art Class

July 29-August 2

Project Room | The Gallery


Opening Reception: Monday, July 29 from 6:00-8:00pm

Gallery Hours: Mon-Fri 9:30am-5:00pm

contact@burrencollege.ie  T:+353 657077200


Process, Presence, Place

MA Exhibition

Maia Hay

Matilda Krulder

Tejasvi Shah


August 15-September 6, 2025


Exhibition Opening: August 15, 6-8pm

Gallery Hours: 9:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday


+353 657077200


“Process, Presence, Place” explores the intricate connections between artistic creation, the experience of being, and our relationship with the natural ecology.


Through innovative and thought-provoking bodies of work, the exhibition invites viewers to explore the dynamic processes of nature, the immediacy of being present, and the significance of place in shaping our ecological consciousness.


Each piece serves as a catalyst for reflection on our role within the natural world.