How to use your eyes
Observation, experimental drawing and self-discovery

Visual art is always about the act of looking and no matter what the apparent subject matter, what you come to see in art reveals an aspect of yourself. This short course is about the act of observation and self-recognition, explored through the act of drawing.
This intensive workshop will help you to explore the acts of looking and seeing by means of drawing on location in the Burren and in the college studios. Rather than setting out to make pictures of what we see, we will explore different ways of looking – the gaze; the glance; the glimpse; and others. We will also experiment with mark making ranging from wild scribble to measured marks to performative gesture. Our subject matter will include the land and its weather; interior spaces; found objects; and the fall of light. There will also be a brief introduction to some of the theory of looking and cognitive difference. However, the core of this workshop will constantly be the nature of observing and drawing and the discoveries to which they lead.
The workshop is suited to a wide range of artists, teachers and students who wish to deepen their understanding of observational drawing and artistic experiment in the company of like-minded others. Extensive experience is not required, but the workshop does not provide basic instruction in drawing skills.
Each day will commence with a short introduction followed by either a visit to a selected location for field work or studio work at the college (the weather will determine the details of the schedule, which will be available on the first day). There will also be two short illustrated talks. Each participant will have dedicated studio space with access 24/7, with opportunities to work on a very large scale if desired.