Printmaking in the Burren

Printmaking using Drypoint, Monoprinting and Collagraph Techniques

Jane Glynn
Faculty: Jane Glynn
Dates: 16th -20th August 2021


The course covers the techniques of drypoint, monoprinting and collagraph to explore line, tone, colour and texture in printmaking and which can be used either singularly or in combination to make interesting fine art prints. From Monday to Wednesday the emphasis will be on learning these techniques and on Thursday and Friday, the participants will be encouraged to bring their own ideas and artistic vision to fruition to produce a small edition of prints, artist’s book etc in one or more techniques of their choice.

While participants will have their own working space in the Drawing Room, weather permitting they will be encouraged to draw, monoprint and prepare plates outside using the Burren landscape for inspiration if they wish to do so.

All levels are welcome as the course will be personalized at the level of participants.


Tutor bio
Jane Glynn is an artist printmaker originally from Co. Clare, who has a BFA (2014) and a MFA (2015) in Fine Art Print from the National College of Art & Design in Dublin. She has exhibited in Ireland, the United Kingdom and on mainland Europe. Jane currently lives in Tinahely, Co. Wicklow, Ireland.