Artist Residency Application Form

  • Please provide an address at which you can be reached.
  • Please provide a current and active email address.
  • Please provide your phone number including area/provider prefix.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Please enter your date of birth in the following format: dd/mm/yyyy
  • Please enter a number greater than or equal to 0.
  • Country of which you are a citizen at time of application.
  • Please give us some details of your art career to date
  • Please provide a link to examples of work online, e.g. website or blog. Alternatively please send jpegs to
  • Please be as specific as possible.
  • Please describe your art and work methods.
  • What do you hope to achieve during your residency at Burren College of Art.
  • Ideally, what kind of studio space do you require.
  • Please let us know where you heard about us:
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.